Lord Gnome

I was surprised to receive an invitation to a Private Eye lunch, and then disappointed to realise that I had to turn it down as Champion Chase day was unmissable in my calendar. But another invitation arrived and yesterday I attended one of the famous Private Eye lunches. I left, as I expected, slightly sozzled….

Open letter to Marc Bolland of M&S

Dear Marc Congratulations on your increased profits and increased share price!  It can’t all be due to customers flocking back to you after your decision not to sell grouse meat last year, but I have certainly been doing my bit to increase your profits. Your wise decision not to sell grouse meat in your stores,…

Tories on the left

A few weeks ago I had just arrived at St Pancras and was heading down the left hand side of the down escalator when half way down my way was blocked by a well-dressed man standing on the left rather than the right. I said ‘excuse me’ to the back of his head and he…