Tim Melling – What do Spotted Flycatchers eat?

Tim writes: while photographing Ring Ouzels in the Crowden Valley I was distracted by the sound of this Spotted Flycatcher snapping its beak as it tried to catch an insect. Now you can guess what Flycatchers eat as the clue is in the name, and even its scientific name Muscicapa means flycatching. So I had…

Jane V. Adams – Mercury Rising

Jane is a naturalist, photographer and nature writer living in Dorset. Her work has appeared in books, anthologies and blogs for charities such as The Wildlife Trusts and the International Bee Research Association. When she’s not exploring Dorset’s lanes and countryside she can be found lying on her stomach watching insects in her garden. Jane…

Guest blog – Eco-impacts of badger culling, by Tom Langton

Tom Langton is an ecological consultant  who has helped small organisations and individuals find free and low cost ecological advice and representation for legal cases over the last 15 years. These include many civil and criminal trials, with action for horseshoe bats in the Forest of Dean,  damselflies, fish and rivers in  New Forest and…

Lead shot lack of progress

On Wednesday a paper was published showing that, so far, nothing has changed in lead ammunition use – see here. Report in the BBC – click here and listen to BBC Inside Science – click here about half way through. Report in the Telegraph – see here. The GWCT take it on the chin (and…