Lead shot lack of progress

On Wednesday a paper was published showing that, so far, nothing has changed in lead ammunition use – see here.

Report in the BBC – click here and listen to BBC Inside Science – click here about half way through.

Report in the Telegraphsee here.

The GWCT take it on the chin (and try to get some more email addresses and money) – see here.

BASC try to evade responsibility by attacking the BBC – see here. This makes a change from attacking Wild Justice but these attacks are usually to distract attention away from BASC’s lack of action/success/sense.

And a joint statement from the whole gang of failing organisations says something along the lines of ‘it’s early days yet’ – well, we’re in Year 2 now – see here.


6 Replies to “Lead shot lack of progress”

  1. I think it is “pie in the sky” to expect the shooters to make any serious effort the stop using lead shot. All they want to do is to shoot and kill our wildlife for fun in the cheapest way.
    No, the real culprits in all of this rotten story is Defra and this Government. They know full well that the shooters are not going to change their habits of a life time in any serious way and yet Defra still refuse to take the initiative and make lead shot illegal.. How irresponsible can these people be, I am so looking forward to the day (it may be a long way off) when these current ministers in Defra are thrown out of office and more responsible persons take over.

  2. Given the clear lack of progress, some of course claiming its because of their old valuable guns, never mind our old and irreplaceable wildlife and habitats they throw this toxic into and onto. The appalling attitude of BASC( the usual sling mud at one, all whilst with head firmly in sand or fundament and probably much of its membership is the same or worse it’s beyond time for legislation on this because self regulation as always is failing and going to do so spectacularly. Come on DEFRA ban this damned toxic shot ASAP.

  3. It’s just not worth commenting on anymore, the scale and practicalities of manufacturing in a significant quantity, distributing and selling, cartridges with both non toxic shot and biodegradable wads (which is not what Denmark did) that did not even exist a year ago and rely totally on foreign cooperation and imports during a global pandemic are beyond your comprehension.

  4. John old boy, sorry to say but you are a very big thicko. Ban the lead and plastic cartridges, with a six-month transition period, and the supply of serviceable non-toxic and biodegradable cartridges will quickly follow. If they’re more expensive and less efficient, so be it. Come on, tell me what’s wrong with that!

  5. And any manky old guns which can’t take compliant new cartridges should be consigned to the museum.

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