H is for Hawk

Video evidence was used to secure a conviction of a Scottish gamekeeper for wildlife crime yesterday in an important case. I don’t know any more about this case than you can read here, here and here. This killer killed a Goshawk. The fact that video evidence was admitted, I guess making it a pretty straightforward…

You voted for them…

The responses coming in from your MPs don’t seem to be impressing you very much from what I see. There is, as several people have mentioned, a standard Conservative response to our fairly standardised series of questions running up to the Rally for Nature. It’s not surprising that the answer is a standard one, each…


  When you have as enjoyable time as I did on Tuesday at the Rally for Nature, it’s difficult not to keep thinking back to it. It’s also wrong not to keep thinking back to it.  Here are just a few thoughts and a few photographs. Really good to see Charlie Moores, one of the…

Info v misinfo

So, that’s the end of the Red Grouse shooting season for another year. One year, not so far away, it will end for good. Last week the Moorland Association and BASC published their ‘misinfographic’ on grouse shooting – the one about which I have contacted the ASA. This week, the League Against Cruel Sports produced their…

Yesterday’s Rally for Nature

It was great to see lots of people of similar views coming to Westminster to be inspired by some speeches and then to lobby their MPs on behalf of wildlife. There were two ‘sittings’, morning and afternoon and short speeches from RSPB, Wildlife Trust and LACS staff.  I spoke on wildlife crime in the morning…