The right Spot

I did almost the same thing two years ago – almost to the day.  It was sunnier in 2012, though. I headed off to Achurch churchyard to look for Spotted Flycatchers. Isn’t it awful that I have to have a special trip to see them in my part of the world? Churchyards seem to be…

A peculiarly Scottish butterfly

The Chequered Skipper is perhaps the British butterfly with the least expected UK range. Given that this butterfly is found over much of Europe where would you expect its UK range to be centred? Just over the Channel in southeast England? Maybe the New Forest or Dorset heaths? Think again! The Chequered Skipper is found…

Make something happen

I’ve already supported this idea with just a few quid – it won’t take many more people to copy me to get this idea off the ground. See what you think of ‘Go Find It’ –  sensory outdoor treasure hunt card game (of all things!) which is allegedly for children but I can imagine some…