St George, Shakespeare and little owls

Today is St George’s Day and apparently Shakespeare’s birthday and the day he died too (how tidy!). It is also the day when little owls, an introduced species, were first proved to breed in the UK  – and that was in the county of Northants and just down the road from where I am writing. …

Another world record coming up?

Some time this week a team from the  Cornell Lab of Ornithology will attempt to beat the world record that they set last year of seeing the most North American bird species in a day.  Last year they set a record of 264 species in Texas and that’s where they are based now. It’s not…

Marmite poll

You have 10 days to vote in this poll of which wildlife NGO you like the most – and which (out of those listed of course) you like the least. The interim results are fascinating with the RSPB leading the ‘likes’ but also third in the ‘loathes’.  BASC is leading in the ‘loathed’ stakes. There…

Is the answer blowing in the wind?

I’m glad to see that the RSPB is hoping to have a wind turbine at its Bedfordshire HQ – this has been a long-running hope and I wish the plans well.  And it is a sensible thing to do for an organisation that supports a move to renewable energy. Martin Harper, RSPB Conservation Director said:…

April non-showers

Last spring it was hot and dry – do you remember that?  At the moment we seem to be getting drizzly days which aren’t ideal for butterflies.  But last year was good for spring butterflies, even though not so good for summer-flying butterflies because the weather turned cold, according to Butterfly Conservation. Last year’s warm…