Thinking about next week’s Game Fair at Blenheim, I remember a few years ago sitting next to the Telegraph columnist Charlie Brooks at lunch on the Friday. Mr Brooks had just recently written a piece slagging off the RSPB so we had a few things to chat about and the conversation roamed over the usual…
Thinking about ponds
I spent Wednesday mostly thinking about ponds. This wasn’t just a reverie – I am a trustee of the excellent small conservation charity ‘Pond Conservation’. They certainly didn’t choose me because of my great knowledge of ponds, but I said ‘yes’ to Pond Conservation because I admire what they are doing, and at their AGM…
Fair point
I recently received in the post my tickets for the CLA Game Fair. This year it is at Blenheim at the end of next week. The last time the Game Fair was at Blenheim the queues into the car park were horrendous so if you come next week, my advice is to set off early –…
I’d like to be ‘rurban’ please
The furthest you can get away from the sea in the UK is about 70 miles and it is up a hill in Derbyshire. I wonder what is the furthest place away from the countryside? I am guessing that it will be some point in central London – maybe the House of Commons itself? –…
Badgers and newsblast
Since comments were still being added to yesterday’s blog at 1030 last night I won’t post again until tomorrow. Yesterday’s new visitors took the number of unique visitors to this blog over the last 10 days to well over 1100. Do have a look at the comments on yesterday’s badger post – and thank you…