The Tory response to our e-action – pathetic!

You’ve got to give it to the Tories, they are quite efficient and are already sending out standard responses to their constituents about the future of driven grouse shooting. It’s a shame that the responses, presumably from Conservative Central Office and perhaps with some help from DEFRA, are inaccurate and misleading. I have yet to…

Hen Harrier Day online 2020

Did you dip in to Hen Harrier Day online 2020? This is what you could have seen and listened to. It’s an amazing collection of science, culture and conservation. And a very fitting and diverse programme with top presenters Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin weaving all the strands together. Click here to view. And there…

Paul Leyland – Hoverflies on Umbellifers

Hoverflies on Umbellifers Umbellifers, such as Hogweed and Angelica, are a great place to see hoverflies at this time of year, they provide a convenient platform for feeding and resting. Most of the hoverflies I see are the common orange and black striped ones or maybe yellow and black ones. Anything different immediately stands out…