Paul Leyland – Dark-edged Bee-Fly

Social Distancing Week 2, Dark-edged Bee-fly This little creature cheered me up last weekend. The bee-fly is one of my favourite heralds of spring and 22 March is the earliest I have seen one. It was a bit like seeing my first swallow a week before it was expected. However, unlike the swallow, the bee-fly…


I was going to write about welfare issues in horse racing – but, to be honest, I just don’t feel like it right now, so that blog is delayed, but it will come here eventually. But in the interim, have a look at the recent British Horseracing Authority report on the subject – click here.

Tim Melling – Stripe-throated Yuhina

Tim writes: Stripe-throated Yuhina (Yuhina gularis) is a common bird of forested hills in the southern Himalayas across to China and Vietnam.  They would be a plain, unmemorable bird apart from an enormous, erect crest and a distinctive stripey throat.  Both its English and scientific names come from the Nepalese word for this bird (Yuhin),…

Earth Hour and another hour

This evening, at 20:30, it’s Earth Hour where we are asked to turn off lights etc for an hour. I’ll be doing it – will you? And overnight we will make the twice-yearly one hour change to our clocks. Spring Forward, Fall Back, yes I know. This has become, to me, a symbol of our…