Tim Melling – Asian Barred Owlet

Tim writes: unlike most owls, Asian Barred Owlet is a daytime-active species.  It sits around on open perches like this, and drops down onto its prey, which is usually large insects, but also lizards, small mammals and birds. It also goes by the name of Cuckoo Owlet and its scientific name Taenioglaux cuculoides translates as…

Virtual travel

You might be stuck in doors, so why not take a journey with Ian Carter to the Hebrides via The Fens and Devon, or with me from Washington DC to Los Angeles, or, again with me, from Houston Texas back to Houston Texas via New York State and California – all collated blog collections you…

Natural solace (2)

On my way back from hearing my first Chiffchaff I came home the pretty way, along the quiet by-road, with the potholes, through the fields, and I saw in front of me, to my left, a Red Kite suddenly arch in mid air and dive down towards a field of sheep. Now I wasn’t expecting…

Looking ahead

My calendar is emptying rapidly – I expect yours is too. There are talks I’ve been asked to give which have been cancelled, no surprises there, and events to which I was hoping to go which have been cancelled or postponed. Even attending a family wedding in June looks somewhat up in the air… However,…