Paul Leyland – Chironomid midge

Paul writes: I often photograph insects and have no idea what I’ve seen until I get home. This is one of those creatures. A fairly insignificant thing, less than 10mm long, basking on a leaf. However once I loaded up the image it was a matter of, ‘Wow, isn’t that fantastic’. Then comes the difficult…

Sunday book review – Riverwatch by Mark Everard

This book by an ecologist and keen angler, is a series of short essays about life by, on and in the river through the year.  It focuses on riverine processes and ecology, and flows very well. Each of the 60 short essays, five for each month, also has an illustration from the author.  And he…

Tim Melling – Northern Brown Argus

Tim writes: The Northern Brown Argus occurs across northern Europe and the mountains further south but the form that occurs in Scotland occurs nowhere else.  This beautiful (and little-photographed) form has a white spot on the forewing and the under side spots are white without black centres.  These features are controlled by a single recessive…

OK, I’m nagging you.

Today it’s raining in east Northants – it’s a dull day.  Two weeks ago it was raining in London – it was a brilliant day. Whether or not you were one of the #soddententhousand please write to your MP this rainy weekend and ask them what they will do to promote wildlife in parliament. Here…

Book review: Bats by Nancy Jennings

I like these RSPB Spotlight books (see reviews of Kingfishers and Bumblebees). This one is about bats. It’s quite a wide-ranging book with information about the 17 UK species but also about a range of the world’s other 1400 bats. It’s understandable that we don’t know a huge amount about bats – they are nocturnal,…