About a month ago a group of independent experts , under the leadership of Chris Packham, published a People’s Manifesto for Wildlife.
Many of us have written to our MPs asking thenm for their views (not for a party politrical broadcast in favour of the current government) and those responses are slowly coming home to constituents.
The typical Labour MP is responding along these lines:
Thank you for contacting me about A People’s Manifesto for Wildlife. I agree that nature and the countryside can be hugely therapeutic and it is important that we protect the natural world for future generations.
The environmental challenges of today are of a different order to those faced in the past, and require a more comprehensive package of measures. The RSPB’s State of Nature Report outlined that the UK has lost significantly more nature over the long term than the global average and ranks amongst the most nature-depleted countries in the world.
I believe it is vital that we bring about the change needed to address the causes of environmental degradation.
We should look at how to improve the rules that give farmers responsibility to conserve, enhance and create safe habitats for birds, insects and other wild animals. I think more work should be done with farmers and foresters to promote biodiversity and encourage the growth of wildflowers. Through the creation of a blue belt, we can also protect habitats and species in our oceans.
I also believe we can do more to get children out and connected to the countryside. If children are engaged with the countryside at a young age, it is likely to stay with them as an interest for life.
As you may be aware, the Environment Secretary has pledged to consider the manifesto. I hope the Government will recognise the effort and expertise that has gone into it and listen to the concerns that it raises about our natural environment.
Thank you once again for contacting me about this very important issue and for sharing your views.
Kind regards
So, a generally warm but largely uncommitted response.
Not one to make you think ‘I must vote Labour because of the party’s passion for nature’ but better than some off-hand rejection by many Tory MPs – perhaps.
My Tory MP went with this reply..
Thank you for contacting me about the environment.
I share your desire to protect wildlife and am pleased that the Government is committed to being the UK’s greenest ever. As the authors of the ‘Manifesto for Wildlife’ concede that their document is a provisional first draft, let me outline some of the actions the Government is taking to safeguard our environment.
Since 2010 greenhouse gas emissions have reduced whilst the economy has grown, air quality has improved and land management schemes established to promote conservation. Over 11 million trees have been planted and 50 Marine Conservation Zones created to help protect our rich marine life, with a further 11 million trees on their way and 41 new Marine Conservation Zones proposed. Internationally, Ministers are calling for a third of the world’s oceans to be protected by 2030, trebling the current global target. The 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment will build on these developments.
Outside the EU we can develop global gold standard environmental policies, taking more targeted approaches. Having left the Common Agricultural Policy we can use public money for public goods, rewarding environmentally responsible land use. Unless the scientific evidence changes the UK will also continue to restrict the use of neonicotinoid pesticides after Brexit.
Meanwhile, by leaving the Common Fisheries Policy and regaining control of our waters, we will be able to grant access and allocate quotas based on sustainability, allowing us to pursue the highest standards in marine conservation.
Ministers will introduce the first Environment Bill in over 20 years, establishing a world-leading body to hold government to account. We can, and I believe we will, be the first generation to leave the environment in a better state than we inherited it.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.
Précis = ‘f**k you’.
Probably copy/pasted by his secretary (if she wasn’t too busy doing his shopping).
Still waiting for mine to respond, but as she’s on maternity leave I’ll leave it with her!!
I’ve just had the exact same letter as Shaun Micklewright, from my MP, Karen Bradley in Staffordshire Moorlands. Definitely a copy and paste job!
Chloe – thank you for writing and bringing this to your MP’s attention (and thank you for what I think is your first comment here).