Meanwhile in Scotland…

DEFRA is in denial over the ills of driven grouse shooting – they haven’t even made it to base camp yet and admitted that wildlife crime is out of control on English grouse moors.  Without accepting the problem, and without accepting it as their problem, we can’t expect any action from the grouse shooter’s moll…

Labour on driven grouse shooting – shhhhhhhhh!

The English MP who is the Hen Harrier champion is Angela Smith, MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge.  She has, in the past, been an outspoken critic of killing of birds of prey, especially in her own Peak District constituency. Angela was also one of very few non-Conservative MPs to speak in the Westminster Hall debate…

Wind power and nuclear

I read today’s Guardian piece by Adam Vaughan about the cost of offshore wind energy dipping below that of nuclear energy.  That sounds like good news, and news that I don’t think we all expected say 10-15 years ago when these issues were very live.  Those who argued for renewable energy were right to say…

Makes me smile every time…

This sign is used for various country fairs across the land and it is used every year. As birders head north to the Norfolk coast to enjoy whatever migrants are hopping around in bushes between Holme and Cromer, many see this sign and it reminds them of… a Sandringham estate gamekeeper being convicted of setting…

Peak District National Park takes note?

Just as the Yorkshire Dales NP recently consulted the public on its way forward, so too did the Peak District NP. Although the PDNP has so far been less open than the YDNP on the results of its consultation, this blog understands that new ‘Areas of Impact’ (ghastly jargon) have been inserted into the plan…