Sunday book review – The Art of Conservation by Gillmor, Davies and Appleton

This is an attractive book which tells some of the story of the 25 years of Bird Fairs at Rutland Water.  The story is told through the artwork of the posters of the different fairs. The first Bird Fair was in 1989 and raised £3000 for the ICBP ‘Stop the Massacre campaign (let us note…

Sunday Book Review – The Global Pigeon by Colin Jerolmark

‘I never paid much attention to pigeons until one defecated on me’ is not a bad opening line for a book. This book is about the interaction between pigeons and people – which of the two gets more defecated upon? Domesticated pigeons, and urban feral pigeons, are derived from the Rock Dove but are normally…

Sunday Book Review – The Twitch by Kevin Parr

This is one of two books I bought in Oxford the week before last.  The first was in the shop window and caught my eye so I went inside and then this cover and title caught my eye so I bought it too.  Both purchases were testaments to the power of advertising – or communication. …

Sunday Book Review – The Birds of Berkshire by Bucknell et al.

Yet another county avifauna piggybacking on the back of the BTO/BWI/SOC Atlas? Of course, and how lucky we are to be deluged with such a large number of these excellent works. Some chap writes at the front of this book ‘Everyone, who has contributed to this splendid work, deserves the highest praise.’ and he is…