In your August copy of… (1)

Birdwatch magazine excels itself by putting the Hen Harrier on its front cover for its August issue (as it did last year) and featuring the plight of the Hen Harrier and Hen Harrier Day events on six pages inside the magazine including my ‘Political birder’ column, a page of information about Hen Harrier Day events…

E-petition to ban driven grouse shooting

Do you ever get a feeling of deja vu? Do you ever get a feeling of deja vu? Yesterday the Westminster parliament website started allowing e-petitions again. The website is a bit jazzier and it’s in a nice Westminster green colour. E-petitions still need to get 10,000 signatures to receive a government response (none of…

Not very new, and not very statesmanlike

In the New Statesman this week, there is an excellent and long article by Mark Cocker on shooting (Unfair game: why Britain’s birds of prey are being killed). I recommend it as an interesting read and because it will bring the plight of the Hen Harrier to a new readership. The most interesting quote in…