Sky and Hope

The information that two young Hen Harriers (named Sky and Hope) have gone missing has been a talking point between Guildford and Sheffield – and beyond!  I know that because I was giving a talk near Guildford on Wednesday evening and another in Sheffield on Thursday evening.  At each, people were very concerned and surprised…


Our e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting is the 21st most-signed of all those e-petitions, on all subjects, directed at any government department, that is still open for signature. It is also in the top 0.5% of the most-signed e-petitions (open or now closed) on the Westminster government website ever. So that’s pretty good –…

Keep going!

I’ve given the e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting a bit of a breather for the last few weeks but it keeps gaining signatures – 20,000 by Christmas? Might that be possible? The grouse shooting season ends on 10 December.  Wouldn’t it be great if it never opened again? I had a nice chat to…

Government response to e-petition 65627

Our e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting passed the 10,000 signature mark on 31 July and received a response after nearly five weeks of brow-wrinkling thought on behalf of Defra on 1 September (maybe they thought I’d be touched by it appearing on the centenary of the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon). The sections in…

Let joy be unconfined!

Tomorrow I will address the pathetically evasive response from Defra to our e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting (that gives you a hint as to what I think about it) but you may have noticed that it mentions that there are four pairs of Hen Harrier in England this year. The existence of the fourth…