Postcards for the Queen

20,132 postcards for the Queen! This morning, Paul and Hilary from LUSH, and myself (since Chris Packham is out of the country) delivered a couple of boxes of postcards (the rest will follow later) to the Queen. Well, no, not directly to HM The Queen but to her house. And no, not to the front…

Two months on

    It is only two months since 10 August and Hen Harrier day, when hundreds of hardy folk gathered together to protest at the illegal killing of Hen Harriers (and it has taken this long for some of them to dry out!). It is now two months until the end of the grouse shooting…

The non-joint non-plan is a non-joint non-plan says Defra

The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust launched an e-petition in mid July asking Defra to publish a plan developed by a group of stakeholders (as I believe we should call them – I loathe that term) to aid the recovery of the Hen Harrier. This e-petition has been enthusiastically promoted by GWCT, the Moorland Association,…

This is what it is like to be on the front foot.

  The debate has changed dramatically over the last few months – let’s say since 28 May when this e-petition was launched to ban driven grouse shooting. In that time: M&S have been persuaded to change their mind about selling Red Grouse on their shelves until they can assure the world of the sustainability of…

Selfridges will not stock Red Grouse this year.

Selfridges have confirmed to their customers that they will not stock Red Grouse in their Food Hall.  Good for them!  Looks like I’ll have to get out my credit card. This was in response to an excellent letter from a reader of this blog which quoted from the Ethical Consumer report ‘Turn your back on…