EDM 915

This is interesting. Early Day Motions are a bit like e-petitions for MPs! They have no necessary influence on anything and yet can raise the profile of an issue. And there is one entitled Action Plan for Hen Harriers which has the following text; ‘That this House welcomes the DEFRA plan for brood management trials…

Craven Herald

The Craven Herald is based in Skipton, grouse-shooting country. Here are two recent stories, both by their Senior Reporter, Clive White. Family terror as dog is snatched by bird of prey – you have to read quite a way into the article before you realise that this is a falconer’s bird, and nowhere are you…

It may be May

Raptor Persecution UK today maintain their excellent record of unearthing the details of the friendly and collaborative manner in which the Moorland Association has always dealt with their partners in fighting wildlife crime.  This case is an alleged email sent a long time ago, in 2010, by the then Peak District representative of the Moorland…

Where next?

The RSPB has pulled out of the failed Peak District Bird of Prey Initiative – well done, a bit slow, but good for them.  It’s interesting that this closely followed the publication on the RPUK blog of the intended press release about the failure of the project over recent years and the publication of an…