I was treated to dinner last week by a friend, a vegetarian friend actually, who booked a table in the Galvin Bistro de Luxe on Baker Street. We were both amused to see this notice near our table. I emailed the Galvin group in July to ask about what steps they take to ensure that…
Category: Grouse and harriers
When will Natural England come clean on their (ie our) Hen Harrier study
Natural England has been carrying out a Hen Harrier study with radio-tagged and satellite-tagged Hen Harriers for years and years (since 2002 in fact). It formed part of the basis for the excellent NE report (A Future for Hen Harriers in England? which was published under a Labour government in 2008). Natural England has been…
Dear Minister
Dear Mr Stewart I just wondered how you are getting on with a couple of things. The e-petition calling on you to ban driven grouse shooting passed 10,000 signatures 23 days ago which triggered the need for a government response. By the way, it only took 15 days to get to 10,000 signatures. I’m…
A cap on Hen Harrier numbers
The future of driven grouse shooting in the UK is going to depend rather more in the end, I suggest, on its wider environmental impacts, than it is on its harmful impacts on birds of prey, especially Hen Harriers. However, illegal raptor persecution is a massive problem that this government and previous governments have…
Do you agree with H&OT on brood meddling?
Rare Bird Alert are repeating their poll of earlier in the year and asking whether you agree with the Hawk and Owl Trust’s position on brood management of Hen Harriers (I don’t). It will be interesting to see what the numbers are this time around (here are last year’s). I hope the H&OT get…