Guest blog – Bowland and its lack of raptors by Terry Pickford

I have been involved with monitoring and protecting raptors, in particular the Peregrine beginning 1967, when the North West Raptor Group was established, then only 7 active territories remained in the North West England. In the 1980s I located the first ground nesting pair of Peregrines close to the A6 on Shap. Field work began…

Guest blog – Kick the Butts out of Kinder Scout by Nick Moyes

Nick Moyes is former Senior Keeper of Natural History at Derby Museum; co-author of The Flora of Derbyshire, and technical advisor to the Derby Cathedral Peregrine Project, which he helped set up. He is currently campaigning to get The Sanctuary LNR restored by Derby City Council, and advises on biodiversity action plans across Lowland Derbyshire….