Guest blog – Walshaw Turbine 47 by Nick MacKinnon

Nick MacKinnon is a freelance teacher of Maths, English and Medieval History, and lives above Haworth, in the last inhabited house before Top Withens = Wuthering Heights. In 1992 he founded the successful Campaign to Save Radio 4 Long Wave while in plaster following a rock-climbing accident on Skye. His poem ‘The metric system’ won…

Guest blog – Walshaw Turbine 43 by Nick MacKinnon

Nick MacKinnon is a freelance teacher of Maths, English and Medieval History, and lives above Haworth, in the last inhabited house before Top Withens = Wuthering Heights. In 1992 he founded the successful Campaign to Save Radio 4 Long Wave while in plaster following a rock-climbing accident on Skye. His poem ‘The metric system’ won…

Guest blog – Short-eared Owls need your help by Jimmi Hill

Based on the Cheshire/Flintshire border. Founding trustee and Chair of Raptor Aid CIO a UK based charity with a focus on birds of prey and their conservation. A licensed ringer and field worker covering birds of prey as an active member of several raptor study groups across the UK. Twitter: @raptor_jimmi “You’re Joking – Not…

Guest blog – Creating Shrike Shrublands by Steve Jones

Steve Jones ( has worked in UK and international conservation for nearing three decades. He’s unusually fond of shrikes. In fact, he’s written a short book about how to create ’Shrike Shrublands’ in the UK (click here). Here, he summarises how we might go about creating species-rich grassland-shrubland mosaics. Twitter: @SteveCJJones     ‘Scrub’ has…

Guest blog – Lead ammunition, the way forward by John Swift

Mark writes: John Swift is the former boss of the British Association for Shooting and Conservation and from 2010 chaired the  Lead Ammunition Group set up by the last Labour government which reported to government in 2015 and which was  treated so shabbily by the outgoing Secretary of State for Environment, a certain Liz Truss,…