Guest Blog – It’s a marathon not a sprint by Alastair Driver

Alastair Driver has the honour of inclusion in Who’s Who for “distinction and influence” in the field of environmental conservation and is one of the most experienced river and wetland conservationists in the UK, with a growing international reputation in the field of catchment management. He became the first ever Conservation Officer for the Thames…

Guest Blog – Adders and Buzzards by Nicholas Milton

  Nicholas Milton has worked for the BBC Natural History Unit, the RSPB, the Wildlife Trusts, Greenpeace and the Ramblers. He is a freelance journalist and writes about the environment, politics and the Second World War. He is also a marketing and communications consultant and is currently working with the international development charity Practical Action….

Guest blog – A very RSPB protest by Danny Heptinstall

  Danny Heptinstall is a 24 year old birder, naturalist and aspiring conservationist currently researching Red Kites at the University of Aberdeen (and recent Guest Blogger here). He attended the public protest in Inverness on Saturday afternoon about the recent poisoning incident in Ross-shire. You will already have read here (and here and here) about the…