Defra – a shameful department (2)

George Monbiot’s article in today’s Guardian reinforces the view that Defra has sunk to about as low as it can get. He points out that Defra announced the impacts of NOx pollution on human mortality and a consultation on how to fix it on the Saturday just before the media were swamped with the news…

A friendly challenge to Martin Spray (WWT) and Mike Clarke (RSPB)

(This blog is long!) Dear Martin and Mike Your two organisations deserve huge credit for the role that they have played in getting us to a position where the prospect of lead ammunition being banned, on human health, animal welfare and nature conservation grounds is very high. This has taken years, and consumed years and…

Lead – time to move on

No doubt, shooting organisations will seek to rubbish and delay the implementation of the findings of the Lead Ammunition Group. There will be a long list of attacks on ‘antis’ and ‘townies’ and attempts to cast doubt on the science. They may even say things like ‘We need to consider these findings carefully, once peer-reviewed,…

M&S – good decision (badly worded)

M&S decided last year not to sell grouse because it could not be assured of the sustainability of its sources of game meat. This year, M&S found an excuse to continue that position because it was a poor year for grouse supplies. With the findings of the Lead Ammunition Group now published it would be…

Lead and gamekeepers and their families

Another quote from the findings of the Lead Ammunition Group:   Lead shot and bullet fragments can be present in game meat at levels sufficient to cause significant health risks to children and adult consumers, depending on the amount of game they consume. Almost certainly some 10,000 children are growing up in households where they…