Lead – wildlife impacts

Some of us have been saying this for year, but now the findings of the Lead Ammunition group are published, it is clear that the unnecessary use of lead ammunition kills, through poisoning, very large numbers of birds each year – not through hunting but through poisoning. A quote from the findings of the Lead…

The findings of the Lead Ammunition Group

The report of the Lead Ammunition Group was submitted to Ministers on 3 June this year after more than five years of quite hard work by a group of varying expertise and scientific ability. Defra has decided to put the report out to peer review to have it checked one more time and the final…

de luxe?

I was treated to dinner last week by a friend, a vegetarian friend actually, who booked a table in the Galvin Bistro de Luxe on Baker Street.  We were both amused to see this notice near our table. I emailed the Galvin group in July to ask about what steps they take to ensure that…

Henry – hare today and gone tomorrow

The Jugged Hare (49 Chiswell St, London EC1Y 4SA) did not respond in any way to my email to them about what steps they take to ensure the sustainability of the production of their grouse meat, nor did they respond on the levels of lead in game meat. I’ll assume that they either don’t know…

Henry on a dark blue square

Henry comes to Mayfair. He felt very much at home. Allens of Mayfair is a game dealer as well as a butcher and is thought to supply quite a lot of London restaurants with their game including grouse. I wonder whether this part of Mayfair is part of the 100 acres owned by the Duke…