The sweet taste of success?

The Pink-footed Goose is a somewhat unheralded success story in the UK, with a ten-fold increase in numbers over the past 70 years. And that is of some global significance since around 85% of the world population winters in the UK. Our Pinkfeet are from the Iceland and Greenland breeding populations whereas there are Pinkfeet…

World Land Trust

Reading through the papers ahead of an upcoming World Land Trust trustees’ meeting (online) that I’ll be chairing. I’m just so impressed by what the UK team and our partners across the globe do to conserve nature. All made possible by your donations. Making a regular monthly donation is an easy way to support this…

Press release – Trees for Life

Trees for Life launches court challenge to Scottish Government’s ‘licence to kill’ beaver policy Trees for Life is to challenge the Scottish Government’s nature agency NatureScot in court over its failure to make the killing of Scotland’s wild beavers a genuine last resort when the species needs to be managed. The Highlands-based rewilding charity has launched…

I’ve signed this petition

This is an interesting new petition – it only sprang into life four days ago. I’ve signed it because hare coursing is illegal and I disapprove of wildlife crime. It’s also a pretty nasty country field sport which we are right to put behind us and it’s good to see Edward Coles (who I am…

Wintering Blackcap

We get wintering Blackcaps in our garden every year, and this spring there was a resident bird through the summer in our neighbourhood too. Yesterday, 6 December, there was a male Blackcap on the fatballs in our garden. That’s great. But it is also the earliest winter record, ever, in our garden. The previous earliest…