Guest blog – Gull Rescue as a Non-lethal Solution by Kevin Newell

I am Kevin Newell owner and founder of Humane Wildlife Solutions we are Europe’s only non-lethal, ethical, environmentally friendly alternative to pest control. We help businesses and individuals all over Europe find solutions to wildlife conflicts without causing harm to the wildlife or the environment in the process. In the spring of 2020 coming out…

Werritty and Westminster

It will be interesting to see how much of the above picture by Mr Carbo will be affected by tomorrow’s statement on Werritty. But BASC and the Countryside Alliance are also predicting that there will be a Westminster Hall debate on grouse shooting in early December. If so, and it’s not listed yet, then this…

Scottish Government to opine on Werritty report

I read on Raptor Persecution UK today that the Scottish Government is going to say something about the Werritty report tomorrow afternoon – good. After all this time of setting up the group, writing the report, publishing it and then reading it, we need to see some action on the subject in Scotland. I’m quite…

Farming Today, today (2)

I heard two good things on Farming Today, today – this is the second. After hearing Luke Pollard talking fish, I heard another good speaker a bit later in Farming Today, Rosie Woodroffe talking Badgers. Now I do know Rosie a bit, not very well but a bit, and I have a lot of time…

Farming Today, today (1)

I heard two good things on Farming Today, today – this is the first. When I turned on I’d just missed the beginning of the programme and there was some bloke talking about marine fisheries. I didn’t recognise him but he seemed pretty fired up, spoke very well and as he talked I thought ‘I…