Saturday cutting the lawn

Yesterday may have been summer, so I cut the lawn.  Well, I call it a lawn but it was looking more like a small scruffy meadow as the wet weather had been good for grass growth but bad for grass cutting. I noticed there were lots and lots of insects in the grass – and…

Time to buy

My new book, Fighting for Birds – 25 years in nature conservation, is now available to buy from Pelagic Publishing. The paperback is £12.99 and the hardback is £19.99 – an ebook will follow in a few weeks. Chris Packham wrote the Foreword and describes Fighting for Birds as ‘a triumph and if you have…

Your least favourite bird?

All birds are brilliant! It goes without saying, but I’ve said it.  But it could just be that some birds are more brilliant than others. A while back, in a blog about cormorants, I said that cormorants were quite pretty really, which might be stretching things a bit, but they wouldn’t come bottom of my…

Joining up the verges

I’ve been paying more attention to the road verges since Sarah Pettegree wrote her excellent Guest Blog here and since Plantlife launched its verges campaign. And so I was more susceptible to making the link between this press release from CPRE about lowering the speed limit in rural areas and the state of our verges. …

The rather diminished Big Butterfly Count?

It’s time for the Big Butterfly Count– good luck! Have you ever thought how beautiful are butterflies?  Me too! Then imagine this butterfly without its wings – not so pretty then is it?     And I just wonder – will the Bird Fair survive the weather given that the Game Fair has not?  And…