I’m not a member of the National Trust – I switched to the National Trust for Scotland several years ago for financial and policy reasons – but if you are a member then you can vote on this matter. And whatever your view, I would encourage you to vote. The motion is a vote on…
Category: Uncategorized
Three Lochs Festival
I’ve been away quite a lot over the last three weeks and it’s now good to be home but the time travelling for family, work and holiday were great too. I spoke, and listened, at a marvellous Book and Arts Festival in Strontian – the Three Lochs Festival. What a setting, what a friendly group…
Book Reviews back next week
Martha’s Day
On 1 September 1914, between midday and 1 pm, in the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, Cincinnati, Ohio, a pigeon breathed her last, and with her died her species. The pigeon was known as Martha, and the species was the Passenger Pigeon. Amongst all extinctions, this example remains unusual in two respects: the precision with which…
Grouse shooting in the shared policy programme for the Scottish government
The draft shared policy document that forms the basis for a political alliance between the SNP and Scottish Green Party runs to a concise 51 pages. The document has six sections , two of which relate to the climate emergency and Scotland’s natural environment. It is good to see these alongside consideration of Scotland’s place…