Chris Packham CBE

Chris Packham outside the BBC standing under George Orwell’s very apt quote. Photo credit: somebody who was walking past at the time. Chris Packham has been awarded a CBE in the New Year’s Honours List. Congratulations Chris! It is highly significant that this award is for services to nature conservation, not for broadcasting.  Of course…

2018 in blog posts

In 2018 there have been about 1000 posts on this blog. Some are photographs, some cartoons, some Guest Blogs and a whole lot of content is penned by me. Here is a very short collection of blogs, one a month, from 2018 that illustrate they types of posts you will find here in the coming…

A Blackbird cries

I always feel guilty when it happens and relieved when it doesn’t. To fetch firewood from the shed I need take only a few paces out of the back door. As I pass through an ivy-covered stone arch, leaves brush my head and sometimes I hear the sound of scrabbling feet and wings and the…

Congratulations Ruth Tingay!

Ruth Tingay looking for a bacon sandwich Congratulations to Ruth Tingay – the highly deserving Birdwatch Birders’ Choice Conservation Hero of 2018. Ruth won by a mile – and that was richly deserved.  The Raptor Persecution UK blog is a great example of how a niche interest (no offence – but it is a niche…

Christmas targets

To dip: verb, slang: to miss a sighting of an interesting, often rare example of wildlife (usually bird) which is known to be or recently has been in an area. Being in the right place at the wrong time. I still haven’t seen the Hen Harrier that is hanging around on my local patch of…