Red Kites in my 2018

This year, the departing 2018, I’ve kept a note of whether I see Red Kites each day. The December tally was 20 days out of 31. January: 22 days out of 31. February: 24 days out of 28. March: 26 days out of 31. April: 20 days out of 30. May: 7 days out of…

Guest blog series, A Break from Humanity (4) by Ian Carter.

Continued from yesterday After eighteen months away from work I began to reflect on my time spent wandering around the wilder corners of mid-Devon. I was increasingly aware of a nagging sense of dissatisfaction. I’d seen plenty of interesting things, including species I’d been trying to track down for years without success, and I’d enjoyed…

2018 – another terrible year for grouse shooters

Grouse shooting is still with us but its supporters must be counting the years. The ratchet of progress is irresistible and driven grouse shooting is doomed. 2018 brought its demise a bit closer and so will 2019. I’m looking forward to 2019. 2018 was the year when: there were very few Red Grouse available for…

Tim Melling – Red-billed Blue Magpies

Tim writes: I did see plenty of ordinary Magpies in China, but they were completely upstaged by their beautiful, blue cousins.  These striking birds were extraordinarily wary but with time and patience I managed to capture several photographs.  Its body is about the same size as a common Magpie but the tail is much longer,…