Not a review

This book was conceived on this blog when Paul Thomas approached me with the idea of producing regular cartoons.  I was glad to give him the opportunity to publish his work here and to promote his artwork. And now he has produced a book of cartoons – some of which will be familiar to you…

Tim Melling – Common Sandpiper

Tim writes: The “kitty-needie, kitty-needie” song of Common Sandpiper is a familiar summer sound on northern rivers and reservoirs.  Most breeding waders are resident in Britain, with their numbers bolstered by a winter influx from the north and east.  But Common Sandpiper is a summer visitor that migrates to sub-Saharan Africa for the winter.  It…

Peak leaf-peeping time

I popped in to London a few days ago. Well, if you can call a journey which involved four trains and two tubes ‘popping in’ then I popped in. And two of the trains were cancelled and the other two were late so it was quite a slow ‘pop’. The 07:38 from Wellingborough was cancelled…