Tomorrow this blog is seven years old

Tomorrow is this blog’s seventh birthday (no presents please). Over 4.8m recorded page views (and there have been a couple of significant periods when Google Analytics was not working on this site so it is probably close to 5m really), over 5,160 blog posts and over 53,400 comments. But, remember, this blog is having a…

A 2-month spring break is coming soon

It is too late in the year to be regarded as hibernation, and possibly too early to be aestivation, and vernalization means something else entirely, so I’m not sure what to call it.  However, this blog will be undergoing a 2-month period of semi-torpor from 4 May – 4 July. I am travelling, coming and…

Spring comes late to east Northants

Last week I was away for four mornings but from Saturday to Wednesday I have been for my regular walk around Stanwick Lakes each morning. There have been so few birds that I have resorted to looking at plants!  Like this Coltsfoot – one of the few plants I recognise (at least on a good…