New Year’s resolutions? Try these to help wildlife.

Here are a few New Year resolutions for you to consider. You can pick and choose or ignore them altogether! Be proud of the fact that you love wildlife – it’s everyone else who is odd – and talk to people on buses, in queues, in the pub etc about wildlife.  You can be a…

They work for you – and the Countryside Alliance

Simon Hart MP is the former Chief Exec of the Countryside Alliance. To be fair, he was probably the best CEO they ever had, or are ever likely to have, but that doesn’t mean he is in my ‘Top 10 blokes of 2015’. In an organ that I rarely even see, let alone read, it…

Henry’s year in images

The conflict between driven grouse shooting and Hen Harriers like Henry (or rather, not very like Henry) is a real one.  Hen Harriers eat enough grouse seriously to reduce grouse bags when they are shot for fun.  Grouse shooting interests illegally kill enough Hen Harriers in the UK to reduce their population to c6-800 pairs…

Oscar Dewhurst – Grizzly Bear

Oscar writes: This is the mother grizzly bear that I mentioned in my last photo (grizzly bear 610 for those interested!). Having realised that we weren’t going to see them from the dirt road we’d taken we moved on down the road. It soon became apparent that we hadn’t seen the last of them though,…