Looking up

Botanists and entomologists spend a lot of time looking down. We birders spend a lot of time looking up – but my advice to a new birder would be to look up even more. And it’s so much more worthwhile than in the old days. There are more raptors up there. I was in the…

It’s still Big Match Fortnight

Your money will immediately double in value if you give it away – if you give it to the World Land Trust before 15 October in Big Match Fortnight. In a previous blog I wrote about the work that you will help to support, and I had an email from someone suggesting that they would…

My home is my Rook

I’ve lived here for about 30 years but nature can give you new sights every day, not just every year. There are plenty of cheerful-sounding Jackdaws that career up and down the road, sticking to the chimneys and rooftops. I like them a lot. Just because they are here every day it doesn’t mean that…

What the FTSE?

I spent a few minutes yesterday responding to the BBC consultation over their charter renewal – this is a good place to do that. I like and admire the BBC though it has irritated me a bit over how it has treated the Jeremy Corbyn election and the decline of its serious coverage of environment…

World Teachers’ Day

  Today is World Teachers’ Day. These are teachers whose names I can remember and who made a difference to me.  There are many others I’m sure – but it was a long time ago!  Thank you to them all. Cleve House School, Bristol: Miss Gregory, Mrs Glide, Mrs Lane, Mrs Beard, Mr Handley. Bristol…