Please let me know…

Several people have told me (thank you all!) that when they look at the top of this page then one of the options is for Viagra in the USA!! The thing is, I don’t see that on my PC or phone – how about you? A new meaning for ‘Standing up for nature’?

Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill

Mark writes: Bad things about the general election result: lots of people voted UKIP we are going to give ourselves the opportunity to leave the EU the Greens didn’t make a great leap forward none of the parties, except Caroline Lucas, looks as though they intend to take the environment or wildlife very seriously  …

Catfield final decision

Now that the general election is over, the EA has confirmed its decision not to issue abstraction licenses which might affect the conservation value of nearby wildlife sites. Hooray!   See here, here, here, here, and here for some history. This blog is on the winning side – a good way to end the day…

Lost leaders

The people have made their choice and we all have to live with it.  The environment faces a tough time over the next five years and that means that those who care about it, not enough of us, need to raise our voices and do even more to fight for nature. I went to bed,…

Glad confident morning

Yesterday morning was gorgeous – just perfect for carrying out the first visit to my second BBS square. It was sunny, still and the sky was mostly blue.  I felt alive and keen to see what birds were on offer. I park in a village, in the same place every time, outside some rather attractive…