Since we’re in another fairly strict lockdown I had a glance at these figures which relate to all countries of the world. I’ve ordered them by deaths/million population ( the right hand column) since that seems an interesting comparison. Clearly, different countries will have different systems for recording COVID cases and attributing deaths from COVID…
Category: Uncategorized
What do gamekeepers do?
Have a look at the Wild Justice blog – click here.
Blackcap in the garden
The Blackcap which was seen in my garden on 6 December didn’t show up again until yesterday, 4 January, when it (or another male Blackcap) spent a large part of the middle of the day on the fat balls. We were given this rather flashy fat ball feeder and this Blackcap seems to love it…
Spain’s bird of the year
The excellent SEO (Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia, the Spanish partner of BirdLife International) is having a vote for their bird of the year and the choice offered is between Iberian Grey Shrike, Common Swift and Montagu’s Harrier. Last year the successful species was Quail (which was also up against Montagu’s Harrier and Iberian Grey Shrike)….
Quiet day…
There really doesn’t seem to be much happening in the world of nature conservation today but I was very pleased to see the excellent Trees for Life reach and pass their fundraising target for this legal challenge against Nature Scotland.