Looking forward to …

Can anyone spot anything wrong with the following sentence? ‘I’m looking forward to a rational discussion with Robin Page at the ‘Tooth and Claw’ debate on Saturday in Norwich based on his well-argued and wholly accurate piece in the Daily Mail.’

The raptor haters? Robin Page.

Robin Page clearly is special.  He has issues.  When you read his own words it is difficult not to think that he has a lot of pent up anger that needs to spill out now and again (see here and here). And so it comes as no surprise that he is angry about birds of…

Game Fair

I was at the CLA Game Fair on Friday and Saturday.  In a previous existence I used to spend three days there but I’ve given myself Sunday off for good behaviour. A couple of days at the Game Fair could provide the inspiration for a year’s blogs, and much of this coming week’s blogging will…