This week

The weather has been so lovely this week – and I’ve been able to make the most of it.  I’ve gone for walks, I’ve sat in the garden reading and writing, I’ve had breakfast and dinner sitting outside.  I sat outside a pub with a friend enjoying the conversation and a decent pint of beer.  A Hobby had scattered the Swallows a few minutes earlier.

I’ve seen a couple of late Swifts over the garden and enjoyed the chirrupping of House Martins overhead.  I recorded my second-ever Chiffchaff for the garden which I heard calling and then heard singing next door.

There are lots of berries in the hedgerows, and I filled another 2-litre container with them yesterday.

There are occasional Speckled Woods, Peacocks and whites still in the garden.

The leaves on a few trees are already turning brown.

It’s autumn.


2 Replies to “This week”

  1. Mark.
    I stumbled out into the garden at dawn this morning to listen to a chiffchaff singing from our tallest poplar.
    I thought I’d hibernated or something.
    I know very little about chiffchaffs… do they often sing in warm Septembers?

  2. Early autumn one of the best times of year I think, especially when the weather is this good. Growing, though still modest, wildlife knowledge makes it even more enjoyable. I appreciate your blog and the comments sharing these observations.

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