Oy! Henry at Moy!

Mon 8 June 2015 - Copy

Henry visited the village of Moy recently.

hh-2nd-trapaIf he had been in this region in 2010, this might have been Henry caught in an illegally set fenn trap.

See the excellent Raptor Persecution Scotland blog for more details – if you can stand them (and here too). Of course, if the person who set the trap had found this bird before a walker on the hill then this male would have just been one who ‘disappeared’.









#HaveYouSeenHenry? Henry has had his photograph taken in lots of places. He’s not going to disappear – he’ll be appearing on this blog, five days a week, until at least the Inglorious 12th and probably much beyond.





4 Replies to “Oy! Henry at Moy!”

  1. The more I read about Henry’s travels, the more alarmed I become. I notice that he keeps visiting grouse moors which, as you know, have become curiously dangerous places for some of Henry’s relatives in recent months. Please allay my fears. Is he fitted with a tracking device? I’m worried that this isn’t the case as he doesn’t seem to have been ringed. In the absence of radio tracking are his movements being closely monitored? Is there a crack team of RSPB personnel travelling with him? I’m suffering from sleepless nights worrying that he might be the sixth Hen Harrier to go AWOL in mysterious circumstances this summer. I desperately hope that he survives and finds a mate. Yes I know its late in the season, but I am rather hoping that we can see some shots of him sky dancing ……. Yours, ‘Worried of Canterbury’

    1. John – you need not fear at the moment. Henry just emailed me and so I am sure he is fine.

      There were some places in Scotland where Henry and I were glad that we got in and out without meeting anyone…

      I expect he is feasting on Meadow Pipits, voles and red wine right now – that would be par for the course.

  2. I’m surprised that by now Henry hasn’t met an attractive young widow – there seem to be increasing numbers of them available!

    1. Peterd – it is odd, I agree. He seems to spend more time eating bacon sandwiches (and Meadow Pipits of course) than really getting down to finding a mate.

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