A few things for your attention please.
1. Yesterday I submitted an FoI request to you asking for all the records of, and documents related to, NE Board discussions on SSSI, SPA and SAC designation programmes, ‘gate zero’ and changes in strategy and approach. I look forward to seeing them soon or contacting the Information Commission to secure them.
2. I emailed you (boardservices@naturalengland.org.uk) on Friday asking whether today’s board meeting is open to the public, what is on the agenda and where the meeting would be held. I received no reply. What is the point of directing the public to contact you if you then ignore their questions? Please feel free to ignore this question whilst you get on with answering the one above. Just saying!
3. Please join the Hen Harrier Day thunderclap with your Twitter account @NaturalEngland. Its text ‘We’re missing our Hen Harriers – and we want them back!’ is entirely uncontentious and in line with government policy.
4. When do you plan to publish the full results of your Hen Harrier radio- and satellite-tracking study?
5. Just a reminder – you are due to respond to a previous FoI/EIR request by Tuesday. You aren’t going to wait until Tuesday and then say you need more time are you? In fact, why not send it over now please?