My name is Dara McAnulty, I’m a 13 year old aspiring naturalist, scientist and conservationist living in Northern Ireland. I write a nature blog called Young Fermanagh Naturalist and I try to do what I can to raise awareness about local as well as national issues which face our wildlife and environment.
Ramble Against Raptor Persecution
I remember the first time I saw a raptor, when we had long car journeys dad would encourage us to play ‘buzzard watch’, we delighted in each bird we saw, but an underlying thought always passed through me like a shadow. We didn’t see enough of them. Each time we were lucky enough to see them soar, wings outstretched, wheeling and plummeting; my heart skipped a beat. I became passionate and excited by all birds, especially raptors, well every living creature really, and I read vigorously. In 2011 the RSPB visited our school. I was having a tough time at school and engaging was difficult but when a lady came to speak about Red Kites and their re-introduction programme – I listened, for the first time, in a long time. Nature became my refuge, my school, my playground and my source of wonder and curiosity. We adopted a bird and I got into a lot of trouble asking constantly how our bird was doing. I found a way to follow the progress of the programme – my mum helped me – and it was not good news, she didn’t hide the facts from me. Secretly I think she wanted to instil a feeling of wanting to make a difference. That seed of anger grew into a bud of trying to advocate change. You see, many of the Kites were poisoned and it was not looking good. Later, I found out that people liked to shoot birds of prey and all of them got away with it. That made me extremely angry. I didn’t want to seethe though, I wanted to try to make a difference. I started my blog in 2016 when I was 12 years old, I wasn’t writing for anyone but myself really, but I joined Twitter and my mum helped me share my blog and suddenly, I was catapulted into a world where people enjoyed my words and took an interest in my perspective – which is probably different to many people’s as I have Asperger’s. My intensity and probably my propensity to say what I really think, seemed to connect with people and I was shocked and really surprised. I heard whispers that I was making a difference and that if I wanted, I could probably build on that, if say, I had an idea to help with the issues that caused me most concern. Thinking back to those feelings of despair I felt as a helpless 6/7 year old, the overwhelming concern was always the mistreatment and persecution of wildlife – in particular, raptors. Everything circled back to that, much like that wheeling buzzard which surged my passion and commitment to try and make the world a little bit better. I’m passionate about lots of issues but I wanted to do something which could affect local biodiversity. I found out recently, that “57 birds of prey (died) by reckless or criminal activity during the last eight years” (Dr Eimear Rooney), I believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg, how could we really know the extent of the problem if people weren’t aware or the bodies were too decomposed?
I thought a lot about how I could help and sheepishly presented an idea to the Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group (NIRSG). I had already met Dr Eimear Rooney and Dr Marc Ruddock at Hen Harrier Days and I chatted with Eimear a lot on Twitter and by email, so I felt comfortable, but I was incredibly nervous. I spent so much time turning the idea around in my head, that I had worked myself up a little. I really wanted it to work. I wanted to raise money to fund satellite tags for birds of prey such as Hen Harrier, Buzzard, Peregrine Falcon and Red Kite – I know that tagging all these birds is unlikely, but I wanted to hope that I could raise enough to tag some of the species. I was getting so fed up with not only the criminal behaviour of persecutors but also the apathy and the lack of knowledge surrounding these keystone species. I love walking, but I’ve never walked more than 10 miles at once, for raptors, I wanted to walk 30 miles (ok, over two days) in the middle of winter, across upland and mountain – to fund a project to help them. I talked to Eimear about the idea and well, we had to iron lots of things out; after all, it would require a lot of management, if the campaign was in any way successful. I was so thrilled though when Eimear and Marc gave me their blessing to go ahead, they could make it work: with full transparency and ethics, they could deliver what I only dreamed of. A raptor tagging project called ‘Hawk-Eyes’ – which I hope, will be a regional awareness project raising the issue high in the public and political agenda. NIRSG were so supportive and passionate about what we could hope to achieve: “Dara is walking, so you don’t have to, he is walking to raise money for satellite tags which we will use to monitor birds of prey in persecution hotspot areas, to deter criminality and catch perpetrators in the act. He is doing it for his passion, and ours, to protect birds of prey” – Eimear sent these words (and lots of others) to NIRSG members. I was really chuffed when I read that, it meant that something was really going to happen, with a lot of help and generosity of course.
I want to live in a world where nature is truly protected, not a hat tip to look good. There are people on the ground working tirelessly to stamp out wildlife crime but if we could afford the technology to help them, then I think that would be a great start. Satellite tagging raptors is a delicate business and I’m under no illusion as to how it all could end, but what if it contributed to evidence and provided enough data to prosecute criminal behaviour?! It could also deter criminality, especially as we plan to educate and create awareness within communities. I truly believe that science and evidence and of course passionate enthusiasm will win over hearts and minds. I believe it will make the perpetrators think twice before blasting a bird from the sky or distributing Carbofuran (an illegal poison but still, it was responsible for the confirmed death of three raptors in NI – 2015/16) and traps to inhumanely and illegally kill these protected birds!! We must stop this, we must try. Otherwise you have anger that goes nowhere. This is illegal behaviour and it needs to stop. I’ve been really uplifted by the response, but I would really love to make a bigger contribution to help Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group, who do astounding work to help conserve and protect our majestic raptors. If you feel moved, you can visit my JustGiving site here . It would be so brilliant to reach our target, or even surpass it, which would be even better!
I would like to thank Mark Avery for giving me the opportunity to share my passion for raptors here on his site.
Thanks for reading
Well spoken Dara! Keep up the good work:
Thank you so much
Well done Dara, I hope you raise lots of money and awareness about our beautiful raptors. Take it from me that you never lose that love, wonder and excitement each time you see one soaring over you.
Thank you Paul, I want to study raptors when I’m older, even if I don’t – I can’t see my love of them diminish at all.
Greetings Dara from The Gambia West Africa where I study raptors & especially vultures – congrats on your work – the world needs young people like you …. bigtime !
Thank you so much, there are plenty of young people making a difference, but yes, more voices shouting would be great.
Here’s another keen young naturalist and blogger, whose day was spoiled by a gamekeeper…
It’s interesting to read the instinctive reactions of the ordinary wildlife enthusiasts (not experienced conservationists) who commented on his blog.
Hi, yes. Alex is a friend of mine and a great naturalist too.
We share your passion and anger Dara but you express it so well. Keep up that great effort. After the anger and the frustration we all need inspiring to do more so thanks for doing just that…and when we can’t find anything else to do we can at least dip into our pockets and help fund your scheme for tagging. Glad to rally to the call.
Thank you so much, Mike. I appreciate that!
What sad, sick person could dislike this guest blog?
Carole – that is rather unkind of them I agree.
People who want to persecute raptors?
Someone who is threatened by it? Just proof that Dara is doing good work.
Hi Carole, it’s ok. There will always be people who dislike your intentions, usually because it gets in the way of what they want to achieve – or get away with! If they’re bothered, then they’re rattled. I’m fine with that
People who don’t even have the bottle to put their pathetic, baseless argument here. Like all liars, they’re terrified of the truth. And, like all cowards, they’re afraid of anyone, or anything, that might fight back. Well done Dara.
Excellent work.
Dara, you’re a star you are.
But your donation site isn’t working. But I’ll keep trying.
By the way, do you mind if I borrow a tranche of your admirable endeavours so as to offset a fraction of my shamefully misspent youth etc?
You know about the ‘carbon trading’ thing? Great – this is your chance not only to save the planet but save me and my baby boomer generation also.
Apologies and my very best wishes.
Worked all right for me.
Thank you! I don’t mind in the slightest. Site is working fine now. Some of the ‘baby boomers’ have been very kind to me, people are unkind and careless from every generation and unfortunately it seems to pass on in this way. I’m happy to try and help the causes I’m passionate about.
It’s been a very long time since I have read something so eloquent and moving from a young person. Your words have brought tears to my eyes and you are an inspiration to us all.
Tim Bonner, the G(w)CT, the Moorland Assoc. and the rest of the raptor haters and grouse shooting apologists should be made to read your blog.
You along with Findlay Wilde and Georgia Lacock are lights shining in a dark messed up world and give me some hope for the future. I also hope that in a few years my own personal daughter will be joining you.
And to the person who “disliked” your blog, if that was deliberate then you’re a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Giles – thank you. And for long-term dedicated readers of this blog I’d just like to say ‘different Giles’.
Thanks Mark, I did wonder.
Thank you so much, but honestly, when people dislike what you do? It makes you work harder.
I think you are spot on there Dara. I have been involved with Hen Harriers for a very very long time and it has been full of disappointments, failures and some horrible things but even if they temporarily get you down or make you very angry I use that anger to spur me on. This is too important to let the dark side win. As more and more people become aware of what goes on we can only win, the “dark side” has almost nothing going for it except secrecy and prejudice and we are all blowing that lid well and truly off.
Thank you for your uplifting blog.
Dara – you walk your talk and although I’ve not met you & don’t know you in person, I do follow you on Twitter, read your blog and have pitched in with some funding for your project. As I’m definitely old enough to be your grandma would you or your parents mind if I say I’m proud of you? Because I am. You’ve found your voice and you’re using it well. Your words brought tears to my eyes too.
Dara,wow that came as a shock that someone so young is not only really passionate about raptors but is doing quite a lot that hopefully gets some reward.
You are a shining light Dara. What you have and what you continue to achieve is mind-blowing and an example to us all. Keep up the fantastic work and never let that passion burn out!
Thank you, you too! I admire your courage too
No chance of burn out;)
Great stuff, Dara. A most excellent read. Thank you.
Thanks Des!
What an inspiring blog. Keep at it Dara.
Thank you
Fantastic stuff Dara!
Thank you
Brilliant Dara,but I do wonder what pathetic excuse for a human being goes to the bother of disliking this wonderful young mans amazing initiative . I thought I could not have any more contempt for the disgusting shooting lobby, I was wrong.
Hi everyone, I would like to thank you all for your encouragement and support. It was so heartening to read your comments. I’ve had a surge in donations which I’m really pleased about too! Thank you all!
Hi, Dara. I’ve been campaigning continuously for animal rights for 33 years and am now 73. How I wish I had started when I was 13! Inevitably, there will be setbacks on your journey but don’t give up. Hang on in there; you WILL make a difference – I’m sure you already have.