Guest blog – OSME Summer Days by Richard Porter

Richard Porter worked for the RSPB for many years (1968-1999) and then for BirdLife International, particularly in the Middle East. He first went to Turkey in 1966, surveying wetlands, and that autumn (with others) counted the raptors migrating through the Bosphorus – the first comprehensive count of raptor migration at a site in the Old…

Big Butterfly Count

  The Big Butterfly Count starts on Friday (Bastille Day) and lasts until 6 August (the Sunday of Hen Harrier Day weekend). If you spend 15 minutes looking for butterflies and day-flying moths, record what you see, and then enter the data you will be contributing to the world’s biggest survey of butterflies. Last year…

Good news: First gannet chick hatched at St Abbs

Staff at the National Trust for Scotland’s St Abb’s Head National Nature Reserve are celebrating a first this summer, as the first Gannet chick ever to be recorded there was seen on 7 July. Last year, for the first time on record, Gannets attempted to nest at St Abb’s Head. In late May, a number…

Peak District snares – what they say

Yesterday’s news about the widespread use of snares in the Peak District National Park attracted considerable media attention, including: the original Daily Mirror story yesterday evening’s BBC TV East Midlands Today coverage, click here (about 5min 15secs in). The Guardian Daily Mail The Times Derbyshire Times A spokesman for the Duke and Duchess of Rutland (who…