Conservative party manifesto

The 2010 Conservative Party manifesto was quite good on the environment but the 2015 version was pretty awful. How does this one shape up? Here are my thoughts on likes and gripes (restricted to the environmental issues): Good things: it’s a nice blue colour ‘The United Kingdom will lead the world in environmental protection. As…

Labour Party manifesto

Recent Labour Party manifestos have been disappointing on environmental issues. How does this one shape up? Here are my thoughts on likes and gripes (restricted to the environmental issues): Good things: ‘We will defend and extend existing environmental protections.’ – will we see anything similar in the Tory manifesto? I doubt it’. But The Greens…


On Tuesday I drove from my home in east Northants to Manchester – via the South Downs at Heyshott. Not the most direct route, I know, but it was worth it. I spent the morning with Neil Hulme who is Butterfly Conservation’s Fritillaries for the Future officer. I was snapping up the chance to be…

Election comment 2 – the Corby constituency

I live in the Corby constituency – a marginal constituency which tends to change party when the government does. People who live in the top photo vote Labour  (or UKIP). People who live in the bottom photo vote Tory (or UKIP).  People who live in the small towns, that’s me, vote Tory or Labour or…

Have you ever had this experience?

Are you a birdwatcher? Has this ever happened to you…? You are out birdwatching and you say to your companion something like ‘I’m surprised we haven’t seen an X by now’ and almost immediately an X sings, calls or flies past. It even happens to me when I’m alone – I only have to think…