Who deserves better protection – your child or your dog?

If  you eat pork, chicken, beef etc then there is a statutory legal limit to how much lead that food can contain – it is set at 10ppb (parts per billion). If you eat game, such as Pheasant, Grey Partridge, Red Grouse, Rabbit etc, then no such legal level applies – even though in many…

The December Birdwatch

The latest Birdwatch is now out – my column promotes Gavin Gamble’s e-petition. Elsewhere in the magazine is an interesting review of the Hawfinch invasion – have you seen any? No, nor have I – but I keep looking up and hoping. Bill Oddie writes about birding Scilly this autumn – and getting wet and…

Silence from the Food Standards Agency

It’s apparently GB Game Week (#GBGameWeek) where the shooting industry tries to persuade us all to eat game meat.  Although I am veggie for four days a week, the freezer has quite a lot of venison in it – and very enjoyable it is too.  But I know where that venison comes from, it’s shot…

My article on UKHillWalking.com

    Here’s an article by me on the UKHillWalking website – seems to be going down well. Have a look at the comments too – some interesting ones there. GWCT is bleating that they want a say – but they haven’t left a comment on the article so far. It would be good to…