My article on



Here’s an article by me on the UKHillWalking website – seems to be going down well.

Have a look at the comments too – some interesting ones there.

GWCT is bleating that they want a say – but they haven’t left a comment on the article so far. It would be good to see their response to the charge that driven grouse shooting is underpinned by high levels of wildlife crime – that’s the subject that the shooting industry, and of course Defra as their mates in power, finds impossible to answer. Which is why we should continue to keep banging on about it (as are an increasing number of others including National Parks and AONBs).

If raptor persecution ceased tomorrow then driven grouse shooting would be dead in the water in a decade.

Please sign Gavin Gamble’s e-petition on banning driven grouse shooting.




10 Replies to “My article on”

  1. Mark, well done. I’ve been a climber/hillwalker for too long now, but only in the last few years have I become aware of raptor persecution. I think if we can get the walking community to start to care about this then we will have a vast cohort to help sway general opinion.

    We need to explain what is going on, get them to identify pole traps, and report anything suspicious they encounter.

  2. Yup, publicising the problem to a new audience, that’s the way to go. Next up the mountain bikers and fell runners.
    Good article.

  3. Good to see some more armchair extremists joining the battle to save our uplands for the many not the few

  4. Good stuff Mark. In my experience, hill walkers are nice, well-intentioned and observant people. You are quite right to inform them of the effects of driven grouse shooting. Let’s hope you recruit some feisty dissidents!

  5. Well done Mark. I’ve been a member of UKC for many, many years. Its a good place for ‘discussion’.

  6. I’ve known loads of climbers and walkers over the years and they are very aware of the need to look after our outdoor environment. There are lots of them as well. Good stuff.

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