Tales from the Bird Fair (4)

A now-regular attendee at the Bird Fair from the USA is John Riutta, The Well-read Naturalist, @WRNBookReview. John has agreed to be a judge (with Ian Carter and myself) of this blog’s writing competition – writing a review of George Monbiot’s Feral. And I know that John, who works with Celestron, had some interesting discussions…

So sensitive…

Burning of what looks like a blanket bog – difficult to tell sometimes when it’s burned to a crisp – in a National Park.  Yorkshire Dales this time. Many thanks to Nick Miles for these images.              

Tales from the Bird Fair (3) and a reminder

Two unanswered questions in the Bird Brain of Britain quiz (winner, David Lindo) at the Bird Fair on Saturday had their answers in my book Remarkable Birds – see page 174 for the name of the female Chatham Island Black Robin from which all the population is derived and page 127 for more information on…

Guest blog – New Natural Areas by Steve Jones

  Steve Jones has worked in conservation in the UK and overseas for two decades, promoting wildlife-friendly farming and designated site conservation in the UK, and large mammal conservation in the tropics. He writes on wildlife-friendly farming, land sparing and rewilding and wrote a guest blog, England’s Serengeti, for this blog, back in January.  …