Terry Pickford says ‘Ban driven grouse shooting’



Terry Pickford, raptor worker, says

I definitely support a ban of driven grouse shooting because of the obvious damage this so called fieldsport continues to cause to a wide variety of protected birds of prey on red grouse moorland.

These remote heather regions located in the north of England are being managed in the 21st century without any respect, regard or care for the well-being of so called ‘protected’ birds like the hen harrier, peregrine, short-eared owl or goshawk. I would go so far as to describe the current situation as wholesale ‘raptor cleansing’ by individuals who appear to be working to feudal Victorian standards where birds of prey receive short shrift, seemingly exterminated with impunity. The situation is a complete and utter disgrace of which our Tory administration should be truly ashamed; instead of taking proactive measures to bring an end to such criminal activity by banning driven grouse shooting, the government instead to pander to the shooting industry by supporting the reintroduction of captive reared hen harriers into southern England (Brood Meddling).

The most recent e-petition initiated by Gavin Gamble calling for a ban of Driven Grouse Shooting comes to an end on 2 April, it is imperative this e-petition receives more public support before this cut off date. Unless and until the illegal killing of hen harriers is stamped out the situation faced by this threatened moorland species is unlikely to change, even if the ill thought out DEFRA proposal of brood management is adopted.’.


To join Terry Pickford, please sign Gavin Gamble’s e-petition which calls for a ban on driven grouse shooting.


5 Replies to “Terry Pickford says ‘Ban driven grouse shooting’”

  1. Fully behind you Terry. Been with you from the sixties and nothing in terms of environmental protection has changed . Its an utter disgrace . Trough of Bowland
    please join us in the more enlightened 21st century.

  2. Well said Terry! The ‘efforts’ to protect our birds of prey are poor to say the least. Something has to change before we lose these wonderful species and driven grouse shooting should be the first to go!

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