Amazing support – thank you! (Wuthering Moors 65)

The crowdfunder to support legal action against Natural England‘s failure to protect Walshaw Moor launched yesterday at 1pm – by 10pm it had already reached the first target of £5000.  I’m so relieved and so grateful.  This means that we can move forward with confidence and that I am not left with a big debt!

What I do have is a big debt of gratitude to you for setting off on this new journey with me – thank you very much.

This case is about two things.  First, and most importantly to me, it’s about protecting our best wildlife sites. Walshaw Moor has just about every nature conservation designation and notification that a place can have – and yet it is threatened by damaging burning and by a proposed 5km track through its most sensitive habitats.  This is wrong – it’s morally wrong and our view is that it is also legally wrong.

Second, it’s about making Natural England do its job properly. NE will be making over 100 agreements of a similar form with other upland landowners over this year and next – we need to make sure that they are of a much higher standard than this one.  We need to draw a line in the sand – or in fact a line in the peat.  If Michael Gove, Therese Coffey, Andrew Sells, James Cross and the NE Board can’t get NE to do their job properly then we taxpayers and citizens must step in. They work for us, and they should be working for nature.

If you agree then please donate here – there’s a long way to go to meet our overall target so that the lawyers can get paid, court costs can be met and in the worst case scenario, we can pay costs to the other side.




See yesterday’s blog with more information about the case and about the history of Walshaw Moor.


4 Replies to “Amazing support – thank you! (Wuthering Moors 65)”

  1. If the challenge is successful are the costs reimbursed? If so that would be great as a fighting fund could be built up for other future challenges.

    1. Adrian – as I understand it, yes. But they stay in the Crowd Justice site for 12 months so we couldn’t spend them on beer and skittles!

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