14 Replies to “Where I’ll be on Monday”

  1. Of course, animal rights and conservation are two separate issues that are sometimes incompatible. No doubt, as a conservationist, you’ll be making that point, Mark.

      1. Yes Marian. It needs saying. Animal rights is, I guess, a graduated concept but if, for example, you pal up with people who object to the eradication of rats on seabird islands, then you’re asking for trouble. Many people in the animal rights movement would like conservationists to adopt animal rights principles, and in a world so messed up by man, that won’t work for conservation and biodiversity.

  2. Can you please do me a favour then Mark and point out to them that since Sue Hayman came out with her statement that driven grouse shooting needs to be properly reviewed from both an environmental and economic viewpoint it would very much back her position up if the Labour party, especially in the north of England, got behind an existing government petition (I believe it was live a few days before Sue spoke out in fact) asking for – an independent and comprehensive economic analysis of driven grouse shooting to see if it is really creating or driving away jobs. The fact this is a ‘poor’ grouse shooting season means this is all very timely, shame to waste an excellent opportunity to tie loose ends together. The LACS office south of the border is giving me a run around about endorsing the petition so I would be grateful if the Labour Party got involved, even if it’s just to ask local branch members to sign – hardly helping the many not the few if they don’t, the many millions who could be using the uplands for something other than blasting grouse. Cheers. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/226109

      1. Thanks, I know you will – if LACS let me down it will be one hell of a struggle to get to 10,000 signatures, so am getting nervous and this should be right up the Labour Party’s street – having businesses that are dependent on grouse chick productivity is obscene in 2018.

    1. CT – yes, but you’re the one who wouldn’t walk for wildlife because the RSPB was involved. You don’t have many friends do you?

  3. I won’t march alongside people who shoot foxes and imprison corvids no. Your respsone in a personal manner because I take this view are unnecessary and I find it beneath what this blog should be about. I have a strong view which is shared by other people who believe in respecting the sentience of non human animals, that does not merit making personal and frankly immature jibes at people for expressing a long held view.

    1. CT – and yet you regard the Labour Party as beyond the pale because the Countryside Alliance deliberately chose a Labour MP and a a Labour peer as their figureheads. You must have a very small crcle of acceptable people on Earth. I’m not sure you are for real, quite honestly.

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