This website

I’d like to thank Obicreative for their work on getting this website back up and running. They did a great job, quickly and well, and are a friendly bunch and, to my mind, ridiculously cheap! Here’s their website and I recommend them highly.

As readers of this blog, and perhaps of other parts of the website, what things would you like to see or not see?

You may have noticed that Google ads have disappeared – do you miss them? They are a source of a small amount of income so I might put them back. What do you think?

Or I might put a donate button here to help defray the costs of the blog. What would you think about that?

Because I’ve found a very good IT consultant to help me, I’m up for tweaks and changes to this blog – what would you like? Please leave a comment and like or dislike others’ comments to give me a clue what the readership wants.


10 Replies to “This website”

  1. Yes by all means bring back the ads. Perhaps have a donate button too.

    I’d be happy to make a small donation now and then but I do think the shooting community should make a contribution too, and they won’t do it voluntarily – so Google Ads it is. At least two of them visit almost every day to press dislike (hi Andrew Gilruth, I see you).

  2. I’d really like to see the latest comments. I use them on other sites and find them useful.
    I’ve no problem if ads help the blog, and you, survive.
    I’d donate in preference.

  3. I don’t mind a donate button, though it wouldn’t be much, and not very often! But ‘every little helps’! Your blog is a kind of newspaper/magazine for Conservation action, and buying a real one would cost a bit!

  4. I’d like to see a comment tab, with counter, at the top of the post like we used to have and like Raptor Persecution UK still do. This would save having to hit the “see more” tab and scroll down to check if there are any (or any more since last visit) comments.

    I have no problem with ads as long as they don’t pulsate and would also be happy to contribute to running costs from time to time.

  5. The ads help to defray costs and/or add income. I think for regular readers they tend to get ignored anyway. (Or maybe the subliminal effect is the reason I’ve started wearing dresses).
    Comment counter at top is a good suggestion

    Better still, a small donation to allow a comment. That might dissuade a few of the more recent commenters that seem to have sprung up since your return.

  6. I’d like to see a donate option. Its good for readers of blogs to have the option to give, in recognition of the time and effort put into maintaining a regular blog. Doesn’t bother me if there’s adds, or not

  7. not a donation before you can comment! Isn’t one of the principles of this blog and similar things that nature is free for everyone, or should be? I know it isn’t in practice – depending where you live. Many people working or trying to work in conservation have little or no income.

  8. I too would not object to the return of ads, and also needs a return of the comment count on the front page.

  9. Mark

    I’m (annoyingly for me) addicted to your site. I check the comments incessantly so it would be useful if you had a counter for the number of comments made so I can instantly see that there have or have not been new comments. Raptor Persecution’s counter is very helpful (because its another website I’m addicted to).

    Also, I think it would be really helpful to have a side bar with a very brief header for articles as I sometimes want to find old articles of yours to use in letters etc. (Damn it you write such brilliant stuff!). Trawling through the articles is a bit tiresome especially when I have to try and find which number page it might be on – 1, 2 , 3, 4, etc.

    Thanks Mark.

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